Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm still alive!

...mostly. Kaia is teething, and she's normally a fusspot as it is, so I'm tearing my hair out a little. On a Kaia note, today is her first birthday! Her party is on Sunday, so I'm getting together stuff for the meal/cakes. I'll post a picture of the cakes I make her - I have big hopes for my designs! :3

Food - As of right now, there is NO fruit in the house, discounting Kaia's baby food. Veggies? Potatoes. A cabbage. And a rutabaga. Oh, and some frozen corn, which will be going into hubby's lunch. I used up the last of my frozen peas today. >_<

(Don't worry - Kaia always eats very well. I make all of her food, aside from her baby cereal. She gets the best of the best, and always organic when possible! I should stop being so cheap regarding my own diet, I think...)

I'm officially going to have to break down and buy groceries. There's tons of FOOD in the house, yes, but it's all starches! Rice, pastas, bread, etc. The pantry is packed, but aside from condiments, some soup cans, and pasta sauce, it's all starch! D: And that just isn't a healthy diet. :x

Maybe I can find something to make with my lentils that hubby will actually eat. Any ideas? I've never really used lentils much. I bought them meaning to try incorporating more non-meat protein sources into our diet, and never did find a recipe for them. I have red and green lentils. Just no idea how to use them! :3

A poster on the bentolunch community on LiveJournal posted a piccie of her lunch, and the bread looked SO good. I'm going to try and make something like it, I think. Just need to buy some sesame seeds and spring onions. So yeah, that settles it. Going to have to buy food. :P

It's been a while since I last baked homemade bread anyway, so it's overdue. LoveLOVE homemade bread, but Kaia being Kaia, it's damn near impossible for me to find time to do anything I can't do onehanded. Hopefully once hubby gets home, I'll get a chance. :3


Schatze said...

Awww, Happy Birthday Kaia! :)

I know exactly what you mean about limited groceries in the house - thanks for the comment you left me about that! Apples and carrots are always good: I like how they're colorful, last a while in storage, and aren't very expensive.

Marryth said...

Thankies for the well-wishes for Kaia. ^_^

She's all excited, but has no idea what's going on. It's cute. :P