Friday, September 14, 2007

Bento #5 and 6 - Mini Bagels

Sad - the bentos I'm happiest with to date, and the worst pictures ever. Made these tonight, and it's dark out, so the light in the house is even worse than normal. And normal is pretty bad. I even tried tweaking them with Photoshop...oh well.

I got sick of using the same lame stuff day after day, so I went crazy and spent $96 on groceries.

Our bentos are almost the same thing. Mini bagels with turkey, lettuce and cheese. Mine have mustard, his have Miracle Whip. Grape tomatoes, skewers of green and gold kiwifruit. Turkey pepperettes. And sugar snap peas in mine - he tried one, and said he'd only eat them if I steamed them first.

I'll try to make bentos during light hours from now on, at least til we get into our new place (November). It won't be viable soon though - winter is coming, and it's getting darker sooner. Yay Canada?

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