Thursday, November 1, 2007

Bento #34 and 35 - Perogies!

Mmm...perogies. They're sharp cheddar and potato filled, yummy goodness. Well, I'm sure they aren't all that great for you, but they taste awesome! I buy them from a former coworker's father - he makes em by hand, and damn, they're great! Best perogies I've ever tasted.

Yes, I know, my bentos are pretty meh, but it's enough of a stretch to find time to put them together. >_< House hunting is really aggravating - we keep calling to schedule walkthroughs, only to find out that the landlord had rented the place out that morning. So, obviously, considering we call as soon as we get the paper in the morning...people aren't even LOOKING at the places. What the hell? I mean, I want to move ASAP, but there's no chance I'm going to move somewhere without a walkthrough first...

Anyhow, on to the food! I'm doing my best, but with very limited time and funds...oh well, I'm happy enough that I found time to put something together!

Mine, in my snazzy new 500mL bento box: Perogies, and cooked carrots. Woo? Seriously, I never eat anymore! I need to call my doctor and make an appointment tomorrow; I'm almost positive I have hypothyroidism. I had borderline low thyroid hormone levels a few years ago, so it's probably to the point I should be on meds now. >_< I'm tired ALL the damn time, no matter how much sleep I get. I actually feel WORSE after sleeping than I did before. I'm freaking shedding - losing hair much faster than normal, good thing I have thick hair...I never really eat (because I don't need to, I'm not hungry very often), I'm supersensitive to the cold, etcetc...blah! So I'll probably have to go on meds, and it'll be for life. x_X

Hubby's bento (I counted it as one, even though it's in two boxes. It would be in ONE if I had a proper bento box big enough): Cooked carrots, perogies, ramen noodles and chicken burgers. Cuppies of salt/pepper/seasoned salt mix, and BBQ sauce.

I'm trying! >_< lol


Author said...

I LOVE your new bento box - it has the same design as my first bento box. And the lunches look really yummy. I've never had a perogi but I wish I could try these. M

Marryth said...

Thanks! I really love this bento box, too. :) At first, I thought 500mL wouldn't be enough, but it seems to be just right, for how little I eat these days.

My husband had never tried perogies either, til he moved from the US to here. But he loves them now! ^_^

Schatze said...

The only perogies I've ever tried are the frozen kind - those look so much better!

Marryth said...

In the words of my husband, "I've never met a perogy I didn't like, but these ones are the best!" :D